
The world you want

How do you choose it?

The world you want is the one you have already chosen.

Do you know how? Through your purchases. Through the things you buy: food, clothes, objects and furniture… How much you consume and how you consume.

This is how you vote: you do it with your wallet. And you do it without even thinking because it’s the conditioned reflex of unaware humans.

Indeed, you have already chosen the world you want. And your style shows it. In fact, fashion is just one piece of the big puzzle.

Your favourite world surrounds us: overconsumption, huge quantity over quality, and human rights violated.

So enjoy it! It’s here! Enjoy your world!
Are you happy with it?

Unless you see things from a different viewpoint. Which is a possibility, indeed.
So, you are generous enough to care about the impact of your actions. And to see that this thoughtless and out of control lifestyle is taking us to self-destruction.

Because we – humans – are responsible for climate change.
The recent heatwave and droughts are tangible responses to our reckless actions.

Are you sure you want to vote for this world?
Are you still ok with it?

Or do you want to change?

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NO SALES: what you can do to change for the better

Your sustainable act of consciousness

It’s the second year of our NO SALES resolution. If you come across our activity by chance, you may discover now that we do not participate in sales or promotions anymore.

What is the reason?

The market is hyper-saturated, filled to the brim with disposable clothing. Heavy discounts and obsessive promotions are indicators of a sick system. They reflect an economy based on overproduction, which compels the unceasing growth of fake needs. So, blind consumers are manipulated and induced to buy whatever products.

Of course, sales are not a sustainable strategy

Independent businesses or local and small activities cannot follow big corporations on this unhealthy plan. That exploits the environment and needs slavery to thrive.
Also, the retail price should take into account creativity, quality and labour. Therefore, fair wages for the production chain.

Once we have realised the whole economic system is corrupted, we have decided not to conform to fashion standards anymore. And so, we have reduced the quantity we order every season. And by refining our selection, we opted for a capsule wardrobe focused only on meaningful items.

This is what:

• We don’t need quantity anymore
• We choose quality and good design
• We select items made to last
• Fair wages for all the production chain

We are here to make something different, to change for the better. And to promote conscious fashion and slower consumption.
If the status quo is what you still want to support, just look around. It’s everywhere. You don’t need us.

But if you have lost that frenzy and search for value instead, we are here for you. Uniqueness is our strength. Indeed you won’t find anyone dressed like you.

No Sales!

No sales – is your act of consciousness.
And it’s the ultimate sustainable economic model for a long-term approach which supports creativity, quality, and fair wages.

It is time not to conform to a worldview that leads to destruction.

No sales mean less stuff, more meaning.
It’s a radical and conscious lifestyle choice #formodernhumans

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The society of fake needs

Human needs: are they real or fake needs?
Apart from the basic ones – essential to grant a decent life – human needs involve things that should improve our lives.

But, century after century, individuals have become needier. Or, to put it another way, we have just become spoiled. And if we add a high dose of ignorant and selfish behaviour, easy to detect in our society, the big picture becomes worrying.

We live for instant satisfaction, avoiding caring about the effects of our actions. Among those side effects are issues like global warming and garbage, so much that droughts have increased and the oceans are full of plastic.

Whether it is a sign of malaise or a sign of stupidity, this behaviour isn’t healthy. Therefore, some questions arise: do we really need all the products we consume? Or are ads just building fake needs to make money?

Advertising makes people believe so many things, and they buy without questioning. For instance, according to adv, we need vitamin supplements (all packed in plastic boxes). But the only thing we need is balanced nutrition, unless there are health problems, of course.
They make us believe we need expensive anti-wrinkles, even if nothing will erase a single wrinkle. Only plastic surgery can do that, another one of the crazy modern needs. And, it seems we cannot miss things like water added with hyaluronic acid or yoga pants. It’s a mystery how people could have practised yoga so far!

Also, they make us believe we need a new smartphone every year, so congrats on Chris Evans, who kept the same iPhone for seven years. Hey, seven years! We thought we were the only ones!

Do we need all those things advertising tries to sell?

Surely not. Indeed we built a society of fake needs. And it is the byproduct of a capitalist model, which puts a cage around us. But, at the same time, we talk about sustainability. Or a worldview that, if taken seriously, has nothing in common with capitalism.

Now, we should open our eyes and learn to discern rather than believe whatever they say. Being able to discern implies thinking, which is always a good exercise. And learning conscious purchasing and thoughtful consuming habits if we want the human race to continue to exist.

Dedicating particular attention to the impact of our actions on the environment is crucial. It will help us understand that with fake needs, we go nowhere.

Learning to make better choices is the way out.

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Consume less!

How to reduce our impact on the planet

In order to reduce our impact on the planet, the solution proposed is to purchase sustainable products. So the industries believe, or so they want to make us believe.

But the truth is different. If we don’t start from the assumption that consuming less is at the base of a sustainable lifestyle, we will not make any progress.

Indeed, there’s no sustainable product, recycled or upcycled, green or bio. Or add whatever label marketing will launch to convince consumers that those products are better than others. Not one of these products or all of these labels together will come to our aid.

Even if they really are better, sustainable products will not change anything. Why? They will not solve the issue simply because that is not enough.

Our lifestyle has an impact on the environment, and in order to sustain it, we are exploiting the planet.
Given that, will our impact on the planet be reduced if people consume tons of sustainable goods? It seems very unlikely.

Consume less: this is how to reduce our impact on the planet

A sharp reduction in consumption is the way to bring about systemic change. If we want to reduce our daily devastation, only one thing will be beneficial: consume less.

Of course, this is about all aspects of our lifestyle. So, reducing the energy and water we use, oil consumption, heating systems, planes, cars, etc. Then, of course, we will need the rest. Meaning sustainable, recycled, upcycled, green or bio.

This also means that we have the power in our hands. Indeed, consuming less requires action on our part.

No brands will ever tell us so, even if this is the only possibility that makes sense. They will continue making sustainable products, filling the world with new sustainable garbage while depleting natural resources!

Sustainability for a dead planet is meaningless!

Consume less! Read More »

Milan Design Week 22

Signs of a recovery

Milan Design Week 22 is over, and even if the weather was too hot, it was nice to see the town alive again. Some say it was not as crowded as in the previous editions, but many tourists came for the occasion from everywhere.

When they were interviewed by the press, the industry professionals said they placed orders during the exhibition, something that has not happened for a long time. Therefore, they noticed positive signs of a recovery after the pandemic.

By the way, starting from the first editions, the events held for the “Salone del Mobile” and the “Fuorisalone” created a lively and refined atmosphere in town. Much better than the fashion week, almost pointing out that the design audience is more cultured than the fashion crowds. Which is unsurprising considering how fashion has lowered the bar so far.

Milan Design Week & Fuorisalone

Milan Design Week

However, among the places we visited, our favourite was the Flos’ location at the “Fabbrica Orobia.” Here we saw beautiful setups in a stunning multi-experience venue. Titled “See the stars again”, the event celebrated its 60 years of activity.
In order to show their outdoor lightning system, they have recreated a fabulous garden in one of the rooms. While people walked next to the plants, the lights changed colours. Amazing!

Needless to say, sustainability was one of the big topics at the Milan Design Week 22. But, of course, there was a lot of greenwashing. Indeed, same as in the fashion industry, it is clearly the marketing game of our times. You cannot sell a single pin if you don’t put a sustainable label on it.

But the first question that jumps to our mind is: how can huge events be sustainable?

And what does it mean to sell sustainability when there is no factual guarantee? Or any clear regulation?

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