Fashion & lifestyle

The Link Between Freedom and Style

Expressing Identity Through Fashion

Style is a powerful means of expressing one’s freedom. Take, for instance, the latest phase of Jane Birkin’s style, meaning the Doillon phase, when she intentionally stopped being the sexy doll. Her effortless looks have become synonymous with women’s empowerment and liberation. Through her iconic fashion choices, she demonstrated how personal style can transcend societal norms and convey individuality and confidence. Whether a pair of oversized jeans or a mannish blazer, Birkin’s fashion sense speaks volumes about her unique identity and spirit.

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” – said Coco Chanel.

Through fashion and personal style, individuals can convey their unique identities, preferences, and emotions without the need for words. From the brands we buy – which, by doing so, we endorse and champion their values – to our consumption habits and preferences, the way we dress speaks volumes about us.

Style, self-expression and freedom

In fact, style functions as a form of self-expression and freedom. But how does this happen? Here are a few ways:

  1. Individuality: Style allows people to showcase their unique tastes and personalities. Choosing what to wear and how to wear, it reflects personal choices and independence from societal norms.

  2. Cultural Identity: Through clothing and accessories, individuals can celebrate their heritage and cultural backgrounds. Traditional garments and modern interpretations of cultural attire are both powerful expressions of cultural pride and freedom.

  3. Creative Expression: Fashion is an art form. Mixing and matching different pieces, experimenting with colours, patterns, and textures. But even DIY modifications of clothes are ways to unleash creativity and break free from conventional fashion rules.

  4. Mood and Emotion: What you wear can reflect or influence your mood. Bright colours might express joy or energy, while darker tones could reflect a more subdued or contemplative state. Style is a dynamic way to communicate feelings.

  5. Rebellion and Resistance: Throughout history, fashion has been used to challenge the status quo and make political statements. For example, during the 1960s and 1970s, the punk movement emerged as a rebellious counter-culture, with its fashion characterised by ripped clothing, safety pins, and provocative slogans. This style was a direct challenge to mainstream aesthetics and a form of resistance against social and political norms. Similarly, the black beret and leather jacket became symbols of the Black Panther Party, representing their fight for civil rights and social justice.

  6. Empowerment: Dressing in a way that makes one feel confident and comfortable is empowering. It’s a declaration of self-acceptance and confidence, free from the need to conform to others’ expectations. For instance, the 1980s saw the rise of power dressing among women, characterised by tailored suits with padded shoulders. Power dressing helped women assert their authority and competence in male-dominated environments, making a strong statement about gender equality and self-empowerment.

Style, the essence of fashion

In essence, style is a multifaceted tool of personal expression and a celebration of freedom. It allows individuals to showcase their individuality, celebrate cultural identity, unleash creativity, reflect moods and emotions, challenge societal norms, and feel empowered. Each choice in fashion tells a unique story, making personal style a powerful means of communication.

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The Digital Mirage: When Technology Distorts Reality

Navigating the Fine Line Between Innovation and Illusion

Technology is beautiful, but it often distorts reality. In fact, some advancements are gradually pulling us away from reality, increasing our desire for novelties and making us forget what’s truly real and meaningful. For example, consider NFTs, digital fashion, and digital influencers. None of these concepts have a physical presence, yet they’ve spread their influence across our society. 

But, in the era of digital mirage, can we distinguish between innovation and illusion? 

Technology vs reality: NFTs, digital fashion & digital personas

An NFT, or “Non-Fungible Token,” is a digital artwork that can represent a wide range of subjects and sometimes costs millions of dollars. These tokens are bought and sold online, typically using cryptocurrency. Forbes reveals that “Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sold his first ever tweet as an NFT for more than $2.9 million.” This is $2.9 million for the equivalent of a screenshot of a Twitter page. For a while, there was a great buzz around NFTs, but these investments are now hitting a downfall because of the uncertainty of the cryptocurrency market. Maybe we are realising that we don’t need to invest in such non-essential items. 

Digital Fashion
Brands like Nike and Ralph Lauren are experimenting with digital fashion. For example, Ralph Lauren’s virtual store allows you to take tours of the different retail locations. This use of AI is beneficial for visualisation and brand development. During my fall semester at the University of South Carolina, retail students were asked to review an app where they created avatars and could buy digital fashion from brands like Prada. Then, the review asked further questions like: “How likely are you to buy digital fashion?” I answered no, as I could not understand the concept of purchasing digital fashion. We don’t need three-quarters of the physical items we buy, let alone digital ones.

Lil Miquela: digital personas to drive consumerism
Lil Miquela is a famous AI influencer on Instagram with 2.6 Million followers. She posts frequently and can be seen “traveling” to places like Coachella. Not only does she travel, but she discusses politics and collaborates with brands like BMW and Chanel. However, do not be fooled by these digital personas, as they are simply sophisticated marketing tools designed to get society to buy, buy, buy. 

Come back to earth

Despite technology bringing positive innovations, we are facing a digital mirage that distorts reality. Do not get too lost in technology; most of it is propaganda or more marketing schemes. Remember, the main driving force of the world is profit. Everything is for profit, and brands aim to control your lifestyle, turning consumers into mere robots of consumption. So avoid these superficial distractions and come back to reality. Return to the basics and make mindful purchases that align with your genuine needs.

✍️ Credit: Post written by Joelle Elliott, an American scholar pursuing studies in Fashion at Cattolica University in Milan; currently interning with suite123.

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 The Role of Fear in Contemporary Society

From Fast Fashion to Climate Change: Challenging the Norms For Meaningful Change

Addressing the role of fear in contemporary society is crucial if we want to make meaningful change. Fear resides at the core of our society, holding such influence over our lifestyles that change cannot occur. We are afraid to be the first ones to say something, always looking to others for direction instead of following our own path. Because most of the population supports fast fashion brands like Zara, H&M, or Shein, cultural acceptance is created, and the devastating impact of fast fashion becomes insignificant. 

Accepting the norms vs. making progress

Although we may have an idea of the harms of fast fashion, the widespread acceptance of brands like Zara, H&M and Shein makes us feel that our choices are justified. If others accept them, we can accept them too. So, this societal acceptance pushes us to continue supporting these brands. But how can change ever occur if this cycle continues? 

In fact, a new marketing technique in the fashion industry aims to make customers feel safe. However, we are not meant to feel safe; we are meant to be challenged and encouraged to ask questions. Indeed, this is the idea – brands like Zara do not want you to ask questions. They want you to be a robot or a follower so that they can increase their profits. 

But the right brands will help you find meaning and encourage individuality and change. This is our mission.

Questioning authority: power, knowledge and profit

Power does not always correlate with knowledge; it often has more to do with profit. Our society frequently succumbs to the influence exerted by the relationship between power and knowledge. When fear arises, we look to those in power for safety. However, we should not rely on power for safety and awareness since we can be led falsely. It’s important to form our own opinions and analyze information before accepting it. 

For example, climate change is a great fear at the moment. Corporations and government leaders tell us that they’re working on improvements to stop the crisis, but, in reality, they’re the root of the problem. In fact, leaders take private jets to attend climate conferences, completely counteracting the point of a climate conference. At the 2021 COP26 climate summit, 118 private jets for the attendees emitted 1,400 tons of carbon. This demonstrates that much of what we see is a facade.

Taking control of our future 

In examining the dynamics of fear in contemporary society, it becomes evident that our collective hesitance to challenge the status quo extends beyond consumer habits. From the acceptance of fast fashion giants to the alarming complacency regarding climate change, fear hinders our potential for meaningful change. We find ourselves entrusting our future to those who may not have our best interests at heart. 

Yet, amidst this landscape of apprehension, there emerges a call to action — a call to break free from fear and societal norms and take control of our destinies.

✍️ Credit: Post written by Joelle Elliott, an American scholar pursuing studies in Fashion at Cattolica University in Milan; currently interning with suite123

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Embracing Global Connections Through Shared Learning

A Deep Dive into the Fashion Industry, Culture and Sustainability 

At suite123, we are passionate about embracing global connections through shared learning. Specifically, we pride ourselves on fostering a sense of community that transcends borders. Indeed, we have the pleasure of hosting brilliant international student interns. Their journey with us, and the work they have shared upon returning home has been inspiring. But also a testament to the power of global collaboration.

A Journey of learning and sustainability

Our 20+ years of experience in the fashion industry, plus our location in Milan, a city known for its rich fashion heritage, provide a fertile ground for in-depth exploration and understanding. So, students immerse themselves in the dynamics of niche fashion, luxury fashion, and fast fashion – a well-rounded fashion education. Specifically examining the fashion industry’s environmental and social impacts. Our projects and discussions around sustainability provide firsthand insights into the industry’s pressing issues and the solutions to address them.

From Italy to New Zealand: Sharing knowledge across continents & fostering global connections

Recently, we welcomed a Brazilian student whose primary focus during her time with us was on the fast-fashion industry and its implications for sustainability. Upon returning to Brazil, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow with us. She mentioned how her experience in Milan profoundly shaped her understanding of sustainability, providing her with a solid foundation to tackle her academic assignment on fast fashion in New Zealand (where she lives). Her work reflects the knowledge and inspiration she gained during her internship, and she eagerly shared her findings with us.

Fashion education: Building a global community

What struck us the most was the realization of how these experiences have fostered a sense of community among like-minded individuals across the globe. Whether located in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Japan, the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, or New Zealand, we are all united by a common goal: to promote sustainability and make a positive impact on the world. This shared commitment transcends geographical boundaries and highlights the importance of global collaboration. In order to facilitate this global exchange of ideas, we have chosen English as our common language. It serves as a bridge, enabling us to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Moreover, it allows everyone to contribute and benefit from the collective knowledge and experiences.

Inspiring the future through the fashion industry

The journey of our Brazilian intern is a powerful reminder of the impact that shared learning and collaboration can have. Her desire to share her work with suite123 readers inspires us to continue fostering an environment where ideas can be exchanged freely. And where every voice is heard. Also, it underscores the importance of sustainability in all our endeavours, encouraging us to remain committed to creating a better, more ethical future.

Embracing global connections

As we reflect on this experience, we are filled with a sense of pride and hope. Our interns’ stories from Milan to the U.S.A, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand exemplify the power of embracing global connections. We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of young people’s stories. Together, we can build a community that spans continents and works towards a common goal of sustainability and positive change.

Thank you all, and keep sharing your work with us! Let’s continue to inspire and learn from each other, no matter where we are.

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The Culture of Dissent in a Social Media-Dominated Society

Fashion: From Rebellion to Conformity

In an age where social media dictates trends, thoughts, and behaviours, the culture of dissent appears to be under threat. In fact, platforms designed to connect us have, paradoxically, homogenised our culture, creating echo chambers and discouraging divergence from the mainstream narrative. 

Fashion, a lens through which we analyse society, reflects this phenomenon vividly. The rapid spread of trends via social media has led to global uniformity, stifling individual expression and, consequently, dissent.
But how does this happen?

Understanding the challenge

Homogenization Through Social Media
Social media platforms operate on algorithms that prioritise engagement, promoting content that aligns with popular opinions and trends. So, this creates a cycle that reinforces continuously the same ideas, styles, and behaviours. Therefore, the result is a flattened culture where dissenting voices are ignored.

Fashion as a Microcosm
Fashion, once a bastion of personal expression and rebellion, now mirrors the conformity fostered by social media. Trends spread almost instantaneously, and the pressure to conform is immense. So, the once-subversive power of fashion to challenge societal norms is diminished. Today, everyone wears the same fast-fashion or mass-luxury items promoted by influencers.

Steps to foster a culture of dissent

1. Encourage Critical Thinking and Media Literacy
To cultivate dissent, it is essential to equip individuals with the tools to critically analyse the content they consume. Media literacy programs should be promoted in schools and communities to help people recognize biases, understand algorithms, and critically evaluate sources of information.

2. Support Independent Voices
Amplifying independent designers, journalists, and artists can counteract the dominance of mainstream narratives. Supporting these voices through shares, follows, and financial contributions can help create a more diverse media landscape where dissenting opinions have a platform.

3. Create and Participate in Diverse Communities
Online and offline communities that celebrate diversity of thought are crucial. By engaging with groups that value different perspectives, individuals can find support and encouragement to express their unique views. Also, these communities can act as incubators for new ideas and counter-culture movements.

4. Promote Slow Fashion and Individual Style
Encouraging slow fashion – where the focus is on design, quality, and individuality – can serve as a rebellion against the fast-fashion culture propagated by social media. Indeed, celebrating personal style over trends can empower individuals to express their dissent through their fashion choices.

5. Educate About Historical and Contemporary Dissenters
Highlighting the stories of past and present dissenters can inspire others to question the status quo. Specifically, education systems and media should celebrate those who have made significant contributions to society by challenging prevailing norms and pushing for progress.

6. Foster Open Dialogue and Debate
Creating spaces – both online and offline – where open dialogue and debate are encouraged can help normalise dissent. Encouraging respectful discussions on controversial topics can help individuals feel more comfortable expressing their unique viewpoints.

Building a culture of dissent through fashion

In conclusion, building a culture of dissent in a society dominated by social media is undoubtedly challenging, but it is not impossible. In fact, fostering critical thinking, supporting independent voices, and promoting individuality can create a more diverse and dynamic cultural landscape. Fashion, as a reflection of society, can play a pivotal role in this transformation. When we celebrate personal style and slow fashion, we resist the homogenising force of social media trends. Ultimately, a culture of dissent means valuing diversity of thought and expression. And recognising that progress comes from challenging the norm.

So, as we navigate this digital age, let us remember the power of dissent to drive innovation, creativity, and change. By embracing our unique perspectives and encouraging others to do the same, we can build a richer, more varied society that thrives on the strength of its differences.

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