The End of Trend-Based Items

From trend-driven to timeless: how contemporary fashion has evolved

Although fashion brands stubbornly introduce transient concepts to maximise their turnover, the end of trend-based items seems quite clear. Lately, the idea of seasonal trends has lost meaning. That is in favour of a clean and timeless style that favours classics with a modern twist, clothes you’ll never get tired of.

Trend-based fashion, status quo and the pandemic

Trendy-driven items reflect the status quo–fashion with a close expiry date, without distinction between luxury and fast fashion. But since the pandemic, our lifestyles have changed, and so have the clothes we want to wear. The climate crisis has also played a key role, influencing consumer behavior and shaping the way we approach style.

Cleaning out our wardrobes of the pieces we no longer wear is the first step. And that, by the way, doesn’t absolutely mean discarding them. In fact, as a consequence of this evolved behaviour, we don’t throw away clothing. We do not throw away anything. We either donate or re-sell, depending on the item.

The reason for this wardrobe cleanout is simple: we realised we don’t need more garments. Less but better is what we need. And also, we need clothes that make us feel good.

The end of trend-drive fashion & new style: timeless, seasonless, comfortable

The new style is about assembling a capsule wardrobe of beautifully designed garments. Special pieces that give a sense of elegance but make you feel comfortable at the same time. Even important clothes that we love to mix nonchalantly.

Therefore, the focus is on the cut and fabrics that provide an elevated touch. Relaxed tailoring assembled in modern separates is the heart of this evolved style. Blazers, trousers and knits do not constrain the body but allow movement. Also, we want to feel the comfort on our skin. So, wearing our favourite clothes becomes a pleasant experience.

In this context, we see the end of trend-based items. Indeed, we filter fashion proposals in search of good design – seasonless and timeless clothing. An evolved and subtle elegance. A clean style that embodies a contemporary understatement that impresses for its beauty but refuses any showiness.


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