When Will You Start Sales? Never!

Sales and sustainability don’t play well together–and why it matters

When people ask: when will you start sales? We reply: never. No sales here! Buy less but better over the season! And it’s easy to understand the point: other than an illusory short-term fix, sales don’t solve any problem. Intentionally neglecting the big picture, they contribute to exacerbating the exploitative system.

The need to change seems a shared belief. And it’s interesting to hear people in the fashion industry and consumers, too, talking about the urgency of it.

After all, it’s nice to keep playing the same game expecting something to change. Isn’t it?

The un-sustainability of sales

We all participate in the exploitation game traced by an economic system that led the world to destruction. But we just prefer to ignore it.

Flooded by overproduction, the market is exploding. And the majority of these garments are made by people who cannot afford to cover their basic needs. Fashion production is so excessive that it has a tremendous impact on the planet in terms of carbon emissions, waste and labour abuse. Retailers, for their part, inflate prices in anticipation of the inevitable question: “When will you start sales?”
But this system is not sustainable. So it’s time to make different choices, even if unpopular choices.

The sustainable solution

If everyone had a fair wage, we wouldn’t feel the need to constantly lower prices—a practice that has eroded quality standards. Clothing and accessories could maintain a more reasonable price range year-round. ‘Less but better’ would be the solution. Now, that’s sustainable fashion!

But the news says retailers are optimistic on sales. Optimistic? For what? Is a bargain worth a burning planet?

As a small retailer operating for over 17 years, we don’t want to be part of this global exploitation. Indeed we chose to cut the quantity we used to buy. Our fashion selection is essential, in a limited number of pieces, plus a made-to-order service. That is to ensure unicity and be as much as possible sustainable.

There’s a brilliant quote we found on the web:

“We ignore truths for temporary happiness.”


In our contemporay context, sales are a way to ignore the truth. But difficult moments need radical choices.
So why don’t you stop being part of this game?

When Will You Start Sales? Never! Read More »