
World Ocean Day

Voices worth listening to

Today is “World Ocean Day”, and it’s nice to see that we celebrate the earth or the ocean without really understanding what it means. Indeed, we discard garbage in the oceans, too.

Mario Tozzi, a geologist and absolutely great scientific communicator, recently wrote a critical article: in regards to climate change as scientists were not pushing enough to make people understand the urgency.

In his tv show, “Sapiens”, he said that our robbery of the planet’s resources has severe consequences. Every year, we deplete the resources available until December 31st – the overshoot day – much earlier.

Then, he added:
If the climate emergency is so dramatic, why do we not worry?
First, we do not see the climate, and we cannot give it a precise connotation. Therefore, we do not relate the consequences to the causes such as migrations and drought. We don’t see the connections.

Second, we are an overbearing species based on the accumulation of resources. A behaviour that will leave someone with resources, and many others without resources.

World Ocean Day

Moreover, to mitigate climate change, we should renounce something, but we – the sapiens – don’t like giving things up!

He also shared a documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, who said that if we do not act now, by 2070, 1/3 of humanity could live in desertic areas like the Sahara. And 3 billion people could not live in their homes.

We wonder, if we complain about migration now, what will happen then?

However, the two most polluting elements, which need immediate action, are heating systems and intensive farming. In the end, it is clear that our lifestyle – entirely – is not sustainable. So we find it depressing to see people who clean their conscience by purchasing sustainable labelled clothing. It looks like you can buy sustainability, and fashion is the only problem when the issue is way bigger.

These are just two strong statements Arthus-Bertrand pronounced:

“We cannot have infinite growth in a finite world.”

“We live in a world of garbage.”

Yes, even the oceans are full of plastic, so we celebrate “World Ocean Day!”

What else are we waiting for?

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The truth about sustainability

No rules but much fluff!

Labelling products as sustainable is mainly a marketing trick, so let’s uncover the truth about sustainability. Although people believe that products marketed as sustainable are effectively so, the reality is much different. And when renowned experts in the field point it out clearly, we really appreciate it.

The Portas Pov is one of our favourite newsletters. The last one released was about sustainability and how tricky the topic is.
We quote it:

“But the reality is that, right here and now, there are no rules: no governance defining all those fluffy green terms. No legislation keeping businesses in check. So, all these words and phrases that the fashion world is co-opting with such success – sustainable, natural, “made from ocean plastics” – are, in large part, meaningless.”

The truth: sustainability or greenwashing?

So is it sustainability or greenwashing? A transparent message or a trick to sell more?

Indeed, there is no interruption with our previous post about a very timely and provocative show: “The end of the world.”

In fact, the story continues right on the same line where two main factors strive: first, the lack of responsibility. Whatever we do, we do not hold ourselves accountable. Like we could go on wasting, polluting, discarding, and then maybe move to another planet. Or, we just do not care about leaving an open-air landfill to our children. Enjoy life and leave them the troubles!
Second, is our industrial society or an economic system known as capitalism. This, in other words, means constant growth based on unstoppable productions and rabid consuming habits.

One factor is ingrained into the other: an eternal lack of responsibility coexists with a capitalistic society. And one supports the other.

Whatever the political side, governments will hardly have the capability to do something because those who move the pawns are the ones who own the money. They stay behind but will never change because they have no interest in doing it.

How to change

Labelling products as sustainable will not change things. Indeed, these are just meaningless claims. If we want to be 100% sustainable, the truth is we should not produce a single new thing! Which is impossible.

Therefore, the best possibility is to change ourselves, our behaviour, our perspectives, and our lifestyle. Sticking to our values and our accountability is where our power resides.

Don’t buy everything!

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The end of the world is here!

Ready to party?

The end of the world or when we have touched the point of no return is perceived differently. But these are facts, and we’re all invited to the party!

There are thoughts and ideas in the air that touch certain people, connecting and making them feel somehow similar. The environmental emergency is one of these. Indeed, a topic we have discussed many times, even before starting this blog.

And so, we were pleased to receive the invitation from Lab121 to the play “The end of the world” (script by Fabrizio Sinisi, directed by Claudio Autelli), staged at the Franco Parenti Theatre (Porta Romana district).

The end of the world!

It is the story of a contemporary Venice in a dystopic future in which, due to global warming, the lagunar city faces its last day before sinking. Well, call it a dystopic future if you wish!

The catastrophe weaves together the stories of the four characters, two brothers and two sisters. Luca, an actor (Umberto Terruso); Dora, his colleague and former fiancé (Alice Spisa); Diego (Angelo Tronca), Luca’s brother hospitalised in a mental institution; and Atena (Anahì Traversi), an environmental activist and partner of a tycoon and philanthropist.
So, in a game of brilliant intersections, global warming mirrors personal tragedies and vice-versa. And the narrative revolves around a party for the end of the world!

Indeed, the play triggers intense emotions and bitter laughter. It is a pondering on our lifestyle, a poignant, desecrating and, at times, irritating narrative on the lack of responsibility of the generations that preceded us. But ours too! People who have lived by ignoring what could have been the effect of their actions on the environment. Also, the show addresses the resistance to change in the industrialised world even when a catastrophe is tangible. Highlighting, in fact, the expression of an egoistic view, where people live avoiding any worries.

Of course, this show is totally in tune with all the posts we have written so far, at the cost of being annoying, boring or alarmist. And with the new path that we have decided to take because of the pandemic: change. Change because life is about change, evolution, and growth. But what makes the difference is the moment you realise you have to act. Going from words, or pure marketing, which are of little use, to facts and actions.
Those little actions that, put together, can lead to something bigger.

Now the change is up to us!

Let’s celebrate!

“The Real has won
officially won
we can finally
stop fighting.
A possible catastrophe creates anxiety,
but a sure catastrophe, instead, creates joy.
Best wishes and congratulations “

Check the following dates here
And enjoy the end of the world!

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Climate change, Fashion Taskforce and private jets

Climate change is the alarming issue we discuss frequently, but the sad irony behind the latest news is creepy.

G20 and COP26 – the world leaders meetings to address climate change represented the bla bla bla we are used to hearing. Words, not facts. In some cases, they offered us something to laugh about with their sleepy faces. Even if there’s nothing to laugh about, in fact, we should only cry for what we did to our planet, as it wasn’t our source of life.

Does it make sense to discuss Joe Biden flying on his jet to Rome and then to Glasgow? Is that the point? How about the other 400 VIP jets that landed in Glasgow for the occasion?
The problem wasn’t Joe Biden’s flight. The problem was all of them gathering together – 400 flights for a climate change summit! That is ridiculous!

To make it really sustainable, wasn’t it better to arrange a zoom meeting?
Perhaps they had some problem with their wi-fi. Or maybe, world leaders intended to make it appear more spectacular to make us believe they are doing it for real. Of course, they needed more impressive backgrounds than computer screens.

climate change - Killing me softly by Gianluca Traina
Killing me softly – by Gianluca Traina

The agreement: -30% gas emission by the end of the decade, and halt deforestation by 2030.

However, acknowledging that China, India and Russia didn’t show up is so sad. They can say whatever, but if the biggest polluters are unwilling to sit at the table and openly find a solution, we have lost at the start.

As a matter of fact, after the Paris agreement in 2015, nothing positive followed. On the contrary, a lot of bad events occurred.
That is the demonstration that capitalism will never change. And money rules even when the house is burning.

At G20 in Rome, Prince Charles guiding a Fashion Taskforce, launched the idea of the Digital ID: a digital passport that carries all the information of a garment in order to provide transparency and traceability.

Although they are the Illuminati, those who created the problem cannot be the solution. All the businessmen with skin in the game have no interest in real change.

Eventually, Draghi thanked the climate activists. And undoubtedly, that is the pathway to follow. Make the change and trust ourselves, not the world leaders.

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‘Overconsumption = Extinction’

Overproduction is devastating our culture, and it’s directly connected to the way we consume. Indeed we discussed this topic in many of our previous posts. We recognize that it’s deeply rooted in our social context.

October 5, Louvre Art Gallery. When the Louis Vuitton fashion show started, an activist broke in, carrying a sign reading:
“Overconsumption = Extinction.”

The protestor represented ‘Amis de la Terre France’, ‘Youth for Climate’ and ‘Extinction Rebellion’. She marched down the runway along with the models until a security guard forced her to leave.

Overproduction protest at Louis Vuitton show
Photo credit: Amis De La Terre FR

The reason for the protest? It was stated on the banner clearly.
Why LVMH? It’s understandable since LVMH is a luxury conglomerate. So to say, a profit-oriented corporation.

It’s known that corporations make profits by exploiting the market, squeezing the lemon to the max.

Luxury conglomerates & overproduction

Overproduction is the way corporations thrive. They run ever faster, renewing the range of products nonstop. Doesn’t it sound familiar with the market of mobile phones too? And in order to be able to sell all the tons of goods they produce, they push people to consume more and more – to the point of brainwashing them by playing with marketing tricks.

This protest went on after a pandemic, precisely during a fashion week in which some shifts were awaited. Even more, ‘rewiring fashion’ seemed a subject so dear to many major industry players.

If not radical changes, at least, we expected to see a little sign. Despite this, the only news was the protester disrupting a fashion show.

Is there another way to do fashion? As to do business in general?
Of course. But, it’s not mainstream. Also, two more facts are striking: first, people talk – a lot – but still buy fast fashion. Second, none talks about the impact of technology, which perhaps sells more than fashion.

What we consume and how we consume makes the difference. Obviously, it’s not related to fashion only. It’s about all industries. It’s a matter of lifestyle.

Shifting your habits is the only way to avoid extinction. Hear the protest if you care enough for the future!

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