Enslaving workers: has anything changed?

It seems clear that our economic system is based on enslaving workers. That’s how it thrives.

Here we quote an excerpt of Li Edelkoort’s talk from the Voices stage – via Business of Fashion. Edelkoort is one of the most respected trend forecasters. This talk is from 2015, definitely not something new. 

So, why it’s worth sharing again? Because nothing has changed over time!

Enslaving workers and cheap deals

Low prices are enslaving workers and destroying cultural value. 
“The manufacturing of clothes has gone through a rapid and sordid restructuring process, which has seen production leave the western world to profit from and exploit low-income countries,” said Edelkoort. “How can a product that needs to be sown, grown, harvested, combed, spun, knitted, cut and stitched, finished, printed, labelled, packaged and transported cost a couple of Euros?” she asked, comparing fashion’s supply chain to slavery.

“On the hunt for cheaper deals, volume companies, but also some luxury brands, have trusted the making of their wages to underpaid workers living in dire conditions,” she continued. “What’s more, these prices imply the clothes are to be thrown away, discarded like a condom before being loved and savoured, teaching young consumers that fashion has no value. We should make legislation to have minimum prices.”

Has anything changed so far? 

No. That’s why it makes sense to touch on this issue again.

No one planned to find solutions. Brands and governments will never do it! A spontaneous act of understanding is not part of their plans. But the pandemic has contributed to exacerbating the situation. Many people lost their job, and the working conditions are even worse now.

Seven years later, we are still just talking. And talking about change when nothing ever changes can be frustrating. We like words, but actions must follow or change won’t happen.

So we signed the “Good clothes fair pay” petition, which demands a living wage for the people who make our clothes. They need 1 million EU citizen signatures. 

Let’s help them!

Enslaving workers: has anything changed? Read More »

The world you want

How do you choose it?

The world you want is the one you have already chosen.

Do you know how? Through your purchases. Through the things you buy: food, clothes, objects and furniture… How much you consume and how you consume.

This is how you vote: you do it with your wallet. And you do it without even thinking because it’s the conditioned reflex of unaware humans.

Indeed, you have already chosen the world you want. And your style shows it. In fact, fashion is just one piece of the big puzzle.

Your favourite world surrounds us: overconsumption, huge quantity over quality, and human rights violated.

So enjoy it! It’s here! Enjoy your world!
Are you happy with it?

Unless you see things from a different viewpoint. Which is a possibility, indeed.
So, you are generous enough to care about the impact of your actions. And to see that this thoughtless and out of control lifestyle is taking us to self-destruction.

Because we – humans – are responsible for climate change.
The recent heatwave and droughts are tangible responses to our reckless actions.

Are you sure you want to vote for this world?
Are you still ok with it?

Or do you want to change?

The world you want Read More »


Having meaning in life, feel it, not to lose it. 

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how” – said the great Friedrich Nietzsche.

Later, Doctor Viktor Frankl wrote one of the most beautiful books ever written – “Man’s search for meaning” – by focusing on this concept and having this quote on top. If he made it, so can we.

During these days of recovery from Covid, struggling against weakness and brain fog, we circle back to meaning. 

The toughness of the moment makes it easy to lose sight of it.

Both Nietzsche and Doctor Frankl’s powerful words sound like a reminder for us and whoever needs them.

Meaning Read More »

Like a common flu? Not really!

You have heard this before: “Covid is like a common flu.” Well, not really.
Most importantly, generalising and selfish thinking can be dangerous.

We are sisters, and we work together. And so it means we spend a lot of time in direct contact. The bad news is that about ten days ago, we tested positive for Covid, and we feel devastated.

Now we are on the mend, but still, we have no energy to handle our working routine fully, so this is not one of our usual posts. But we wanted to leave a message to those who said, or still say, that Covid is just like a common flu.

No, it is not! It’s worse than that.

If you’ve had mild symptoms and can only look at your own garden, it’s ok, do it and think selfishly. But do not assume that it works the same for everyone else.

By the way, we hope that protecting the weakest and a sense of social responsibility will prevail over individual protection.

Thanks for your supportive messages.

Ro and Cri

Like a common flu? Not really! Read More »

Barefoot elegance

What’s new in style

Thinking about reconnecting style with nature got us in the mood for a new liberating impulse: barefoot elegance.

Indeed lately, we have been thinking about some barefoot outfits. Of course, the summer season makes it an option to consider, as it encourages a sense of freedom.

Because of the new work-from-home lifestyle, the opportunities to take the shoes off and enjoy a more relaxed style have increased. Furthermore, locked down in our concrete prisons, we felt the need to stay in contact with nature more and more. Feeling the ground through our feet somehow stimulates positive vibes.

Do not get us wrong. Shoes are a fundamental detail in defining an outfit, the most important accessory. In fact, the right shoes can even revive an insignificant dress, so it’s worth investing in quality shoes.

But, let’s see it as the exception to the rule: enjoying feet’ contact with the ground is a new inspiration.

Pointing out a style reference, Sade Adu is the person who has set a high standard. A timeless and classy icon who often used to go barefoot on stage. Her sophisticated but effortless style was out of the schemes then as now.

barefoot elegance - Marc Le Bihan dress
Barefoot elegance – Open-back cotton dress by Marc Le Bihan

Of course, it’s difficult to reach her level, but let’s try.

Try your barefoot elegance style

Occasions to go barefoot?
A party at home or in a garden, lunch in the countryside or a pool party. And a beach party, of course. Summer offers many opportunities!

What are the clothes to wear?
For instance, take “The Double Silk Dress.” But also “The Open Back Dress.” Both by Marc Le Bihan are perfect for these occasions. Just add a few accessories, and your barefoot look will stand out.

Sensing the ground under our feet stimulates a harmonising feeling, a liberating state of awareness. Indeed, being barefoot is a way to reconnect with nature.
So when possible, try your barefoot elegance look.

And if you have any doubts about your style, WhatsApp us!  
We’d love to assist you!

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