In a world of images, words demand too much effort
People don’t read. Don’t ask people to read. Please, just don’t. In the fashion field, there’s no need to dig deep into socio-cultural-economic aspects. Customers don’t want to know more. Instead, bombard them with shopping prompts. Continuously. Endlessly. But do not involve them in a piece that makes them stop and think. Just push them to buy! In fact, it’s a profitable engagement, a language they truly appreciate.
People want images. If you put them in front of words, they are forced to stop, read and reflect. That takes some time, and it is annoying.
Just show them images, let them click on the buy-now button, and they’ll be fine with it. Why question things? Just follow along. Accept. Consume. Repeat.
Social media absorbs the attention, you start scrolling for a few minutes, and you end up eaten up by an endless stream of superficial information. There, there’s no need to read. Indeed you can stop at the titles or just a few words.
But you are well-targeted and, most of all, you are going to shop. Yes, there’s nothing else people want.

However, the pattern is not new. Pavlov experimented on this behaviour with dogs, he showed them the trigger and got the reaction. Indeed, this conditioned reflex works well with humans too. Brands know the game and accordingly shaped the world for us.
From ‘cogito ergo sum’, corporations worked to embed ‘shop ergo sum’. By influencing our brains and behaviour, they did a great job.
Because people don’t read. They don’t like reading, as they don’t like thinking.
For instance, if you want to ponder a little, do you know that funny thing called accessible luxury? How about ethical businesses when brands still produce in places where human rights do not exist?
But no, do not search for discussion or sharing ideas. There’s no need to understand fashion context. Keep it superficial, feed them with products. And, please, don’t be too refined.
There’s no need to think. Stick to your well-known pattern.
Don’t read. Don’t choose. Just shop!
Unless you realise you can choose – to read.