Overconsumption = Extinction

Activism disrupting fashion shows

Overproduction is devastating our culture, and it’s directly connected to the way we consume: overconsumption. Indeed we discussed this topic in many of our previous posts. We recognise that it’s deeply rooted in our social context.

October 5, Louvre Art Gallery. When the Louis Vuitton fashion show started, an activist broke in, carrying a sign reading:
“Overconsumption = Extinction.”

The protestor represented ‘Amis de la Terre France’, ‘Youth for Climate’ and ‘Extinction Rebellion’. She marched down the runway along with the models until a security guard forced her to leave.

Overconsumption ≠ extinction, protest disrupting Louis Vuitton fashion show
Photo credit: Amis De La Terre FR

The reason for the protest? It was stated on the banner clearly. Overconsumption = Extinction.
Why LVMH? It’s understandable since LVMH is a luxury conglomerate – so to say, a profit-oriented corporation.

It’s known that corporations make profits by exploiting the market, squeezing the lemon to the max.

Luxury conglomerates & overproduction

Overproduction is the way corporations thrive. They run ever faster, renewing the range of products nonstop. Doesn’t it sound familiar with the market of mobile phones too? And in order to be able to sell all the tons of goods they produce, they push people to consume more and more – to the point of brainwashing them by playing with marketing tricks.

This protest went on after a pandemic, precisely during a fashion week in which some shifts were awaited. Even more, ‘rewiring fashion’ seemed a subject so dear to many major industry players.

If not radical changes, at least, we expected to see a little sign. Despite this, the only news was the protester disrupting a fashion show.

Is there another way to approach fashion? Or business in general? Of course – but it’s not mainstream. Also, two more facts are striking: first, people talk – a lot – but still buy fast fashion. Second, no one talks about the impact of technology, which perhaps sells more than fashion.

What we consume and how we consume makes the difference. Obviously, it’s not related to fashion only. It’s about all industries. It’s a matter of lifestyle and economic system.

Shifting your habits is the only way to avoid extinction. Hear the protest if you care enough for the future!