
Exclusive Slow Fashion in Small Batches

Good Design & Thoughtful Lifestyle #ForModernHumans

What do we do?

We offer exclusive slow fashion in small batches, carefully selected from independent international designers, with a particular passion for Japanese brands. Our selection intentionally offers limited pieces to ensure uniqueness and a sustainable approach. Indeed, to minimise waste, we limit the quantities of pieces we order. Also, we reduce packaging to the essentials. Our aim is not to accumulate more but rather to prioritise quality over quantity. So, it is not whether an item is from the current season or not, but rather it is about whether it is truly worth having. It’s about enduring value.

Why do we do it?

The traditional fashion industry model, focused on endless growth, overproduction, and rampant consumption, is no longer viable. Game over. With 2024 potentially surpassing 2023 as the hottest year on record due to human-caused climate change, the need for a different approach is urgent. We must make a change.

Who is it for?

Our approach isn’t for everyone. If you don’t see a problem with overconsumption, disposable garments, frequent flights, constantly upgrading tech devices, and so on, our offerings may not resonate with you. However, if you recognize the urgency of climate breakdown and believe in the necessity of change, you’ll find kindred spirits here.

Our selections are for those who reject business as usual and understand the importance of respecting planetary boundaries. We cater to individuals who are passionate about discussing climate change, ethical business practices, and a thoughtful lifestyle. If we fail to understand and operate within these limits, we risk heading towards extinction.
Change must happen now, not later.

Evolved fashion design must start from this awareness. A meaningful lifestyle begins here. Our exclusive slow fashion in limited pieces reflects this ethos: encouraging questions, finding solutions, and sharing meaningful ideas.

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The benefit of being different

What if we consider being different more valuable than being better than the others?
Let’s focus our attention on worth rather than on popularity. The actions we take, the choices we make, the interactions we exchange. Also, the things we buy. In all this, value is the key.

“Is it worthy?” – This is the question we need to ask.

Conforming to the standards is not what we want. Fashion, beauty, learning, lifestyle standards and all the ideas of the majority, are not for us. There’s a lot of appearance in that, but there’s no value.

People live as if being part of the majority is the cool way to be. Indeed, they talk like the others, dress like the others, eat what’s popular. Perhaps they don’t have to think that much, and it gives them a sense of belonging and protection.

But, the sense of belonging can be satisfied in smaller communities. Like-minded people can connect to share their vision of the world.

Consider being different offers its own sense of beauty. A rare object, just like a rare person is valuable because it’s scarce, uncommon. And it doesn’t need to be like the other ones. Standardization is not what we are looking for. Little treasures, that’s what we want.

As our beloved Virginia Woolf has pointed out:

“Large groups of people are never responsible for what they do.”

Taking a different path is not easy, it takes courage. But, choosing to be your own unique person and hold yourself accountable is a powerful act.

Responsible fashion means holding ourselves accountable for what happens in the short and long run. It is a conscious choice, serving our eventually awakened collective soul.

The touching point is that being better is a matter of ego, being different is a matter of the heart.

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