The Sustainability Basics
Sustainability or greenwashing? Download the checklist to know more!
Sustainability is a vague concept, overused and confusing. When we are lucky, it’s an inspirational reference. But, in general, more than an effective change of paradigm that brands implement in their policy, it is a buzzword hiding a misleading intent. In other words, it’s greenwashing.
You happen to read about sustainable fashion, sustainable brands, and eco-conscious clothing and accessories. Indeed, sustainable labelled products are a good business. But brands label their products by claiming something that goes under zero control.
So, is there a lack of ethics? Or a lack of common sense? The discussion is open. And the business too.
Sustainability basics & how to promote a conscious shift
We understand that it is very difficult to say which garment or brand is sustainable and which is not. And it’s tricky even for those who work in the fashion industry. Imagine for a consumer!
So we thought of providing a list to help you develop critical behaviour towards your fashion purchases. Some points to help you become aware of the fashion industry’s practice and make better choices.
We made this checklist for you, and it’s free.
Download “The Sustainability Basics” list

We encourage you to download “The Sustainability Basics”, read and share it with your friends. Also, start conversations. Most importantly, don’t wait for brands to become sustainable. Educating yourself to become a conscious consumer is what you can actively do to enhance your lifestyle and change for the better.
Less stuff, more meaning is the evolved ethos #formodernhumans
By the way, we just opened the comments section on this blog. So we invite you to hit the “leave a comment” button and let us know your viewpoint. Only registered accounts can leave a comment.
Small communities can make change possible!
One last note: thank you, Leyla Jackson for your collaboration on this project!
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