
Unisex or genderless

How gendered labels influence people’s perception

We can say that a garment is unisex or genderless, but it seems like people cannot really understand the point. Which is a matter of freedom and style.
Either they fear something, like they are afraid of judgemental comments. Or maybe they are waiting for validation or approval in order to wear a piece of clothing.

Gendered labels

But why? Do gendered labels have this power over people? Can labels define people’s life? So it seems. In fact, independent thought and auto-determination work for a few. The other ones need pre-packed boxes to identify and fit in. Therefore, labels satisfy that need of belonging, having the same effect as a cloak you wear to feel protected. Labels, in general, and gendered labels specifically, make people feel safe.

However, this strict separation seems to be less present among young people. Having a different perception of style, they feel more open to playing with clothing.

Unisex or genderless

Unisex or genderless, men’s or women’s – find your own definition if you need it. Find the label you feel comfortable with if you really have to. But be advised that no one is going to ask from what category you picked the garment you are wearing. Perhaps no one cares!

Fashion style #formodernhumans

The point is not the category and not even the size! For instance, take a shirt or a sweater and wear it on. Do you like it? And do you like the fit, how it falls on your body? Also, do you feel comfortable in it? Enough! No one needs any further explanation. And, if anyone asks, you are free to respond as you like.

From whatever category we pick out the clothes to assemble our selections, we refer to most pieces as unisex or genderless. We don’t see categories as a limit, we just take what we like. Because style is not a matter of fitting into a gendered category. It’s only about how clothes look on you. And how you want to wear them.

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Man comes, and man goes!

What’s the point of fluidity if brands still present gendered fashion shows?

“Man comes, and man goes” is the feeling we get analysing this men’s fashion week. First was men’s fashion shows, then designers said, man no, not anymore. It was better to present men’s and women’s in one event. And now men’s shows are yes again! 
So, what’s going on? Do designers have an idea of what the world needs, or are they just babbling?

Man’s fashion and style

On the one hand, the vision of men lately has become more free. They can wear clothes that weren’t appropriate a while ago. Although sometimes man’s image seems confused, certainly, it’s almost devoid of elegance. That is because fluid style is associated with an often ridiculous portrayal.

Furthermore, we wonder who brands are talking to. Young boys? In fact, the age seems lowered a lot. But can teenagers afford luxury designer clothes? Apart from a tiny audience, it doesn’t seem likely. So, again we wonder what worldview these top brands promote.

Women and gender-fluid

On the other hand, the idea of women remains quite antiquated and vulgar, even when approaching gender-fluid. But with the claim of showing a woman free from patriarchy and who imposes her own personality. Free to dress as she likes, they say. In other words, a woman’s style that reflects her liberation from man-imposed rules. 
Of course, we do not agree with this storytelling at all. It’s just a fake representation in order to sell the same old things.

Spring-Summer 24 men’s fashion show: gender-fluid and sustainability

Specifically, as regards men’s fashion week, we touch upon a few considerations:
From a style perspective, there’s no need for gendered lines, though we believe that fluidity doesn’t mean ridiculous. 
But what’s the point of fluidity if brands still present gendered shows?

Most importantly, from a sustainability viewpoint, we can’t see the need for a separate fashion week for men and women. In fact, it seems like designers say everything and its opposite six months later, completely disowning words of common sense they pronounced earlier. There’s no clear and consistent line of thought. Which, in times of climate change and tangible disasters we face on a daily basis, seems absolutely crazy.

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About genderless style

Our viewpoint vs the mainstream

Why genderless style is portrayed as ridiculous?

The point with the genderless fashion trend is that the trespassing in a clownesque style seems the only possible imagery. That is the clear general trend in fashion: excessive, absurd, and deliberately caricatural. So, in the same way, it has to be depicted in the case of genderless clothing. That goes hand in hand with the “please, look at me” social media-induced manner.

Although we embrace and promote the freedom of expression, we can’t see the link between this crucial prerogative and how they force it towards the excess.

About genderless style

Boundaries between sexes are becoming more blurred. Is that new?

David Bowie is one of the best examples of the gender-fluid style of all time. His elegant posture is unforgettable. An innate gift that many try to imitate just with a sad result. By the way, Bowie has never been ridiculous. We cannot say the same thing about the “characters in search of an author” who dominate the fashion and music scenes.

Of course, our viewpoint on genderless clothing has nothing to do with the mainstream trend.
We believe many items have no gender and can be worn by whoever wants to pick them up. Indeed, we have always selected clothing from men’s collections without feeling the need to specify it. We adore that oversized style or even the more rigorous mannish tailoring. Likewise, we have never had problems selling a woman’s coat or blouse to a man, for instance.

Clothing and accessories contribute to expressing your personality.
To that end, gendered labels do not represent a limit for us. In fact, we like to mix and play with them. But something is missing today. Good taste and elegance are the factors that provide the perfect balance.
Where are they now?

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Gendered labels

A viewpoint on fashion and gender among young people

This piece is written by an American student and intern working for suite123, Jackson Garske.

What makes someone more likely to ignore gendered labels on clothing?

As an American man living in Italy, I have been told by more shop owners than ever to stop looking in the women’s section for clothing. It has never been mean-spirited. But every person has been very insistent—the men’s section is there, this is the women’s section. I do wear more male presenting clothing and have masculine physical attributes. But I still like to look at every article because I can see myself wearing anything.

fashion and gender

The survey

After surveying a good number of people my age (early 20s), all of which fashion-forward in their own ways, I was surprised to find the large discrepancies in how they would gender their wardrobe.

Individuals either said only 10-20% of their wardrobe could be worn by any gender. Or they said that 70% or more could be – no one in between these extremes. The two separate groups have nothing strikingly in common, given nationality, gender, sexuality, race, fashion style, or social progressivism. It did not even come down to what kind of brands or styles they shop. When asked what stores or designers make genderless clothing, both groups included a wide array of answers like Rick Owens, UNIQLO, and H&M.

So, the overall question remains. But by asking them how much of their closet could be worn by any gender, I could see if they believed anything is gender-neutral. Despite what items they might actually own.
For now, it still boils down to one’s personal taste and view in clothing. Something hard to qualify or analyze.

genderless style

For me, I would say 100% of my clothes are gender-neutral. Not due to how I dress but due to how I perceive clothing in general. Fashion is about the freedom of self-expression, despite whatever confines placed upon it.

I hope that whatever the reason is that we stay on one side of the department store aisle or the other can be addressed and removed. For the freedom of fashion to prevail.

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