
The Coherence Gap

The clash between sustainability and fast fashion’s growth

Our society has a problem with consistency, revealing a glaring coherence gap. Indeed one point seems quite clear: what people say is not consistent with what they do. It’s like coherence is a fault, or it’s not necessary. So you are allowed to say something and then do the opposite without being held accountable.

Consistency and sustainability

Magazines these days released the news that Shein, the fast-fashion giant, is raising funds at 100 billion USD value.
Considering that their price range is around 10 – 20 euros, two things are certain. First, the materials have zero quality. Second, their production chains raise serious doubts. If 15 euros is the price of one dress, how much are workers getting paid to make that garment?
Quality can be something one could renounce, but an ethical production chain is the foundation of a healthy society. And therefore, crucial in any discussion, even about sustainability.

Yet no questions arise in those who buy Shein. In fact, in a moment when communication and marketing are all about sustainability, the fast-fashion giant is growing enormously. And there is similar news too. Recently Primark opened in Milano, and people were packed in line to get in.

Overcoming the coherence gap

People talk about sustainability and maybe show up at ‘Friday’s for Future’, but they buy fast fashion. Why?
Everyone, adults and teenagers, say something, but they do the opposite. This lack of consistency reveals that sustainability is just a marketing trend. It is a popular topic, something people like to discuss to show they are up-to-date, but they don’t really care.

In fact, if they were consistent, they wouldn’t buy fast fashion at all! And the case of low budgets is just an excuse to avoid the change since the business model is profitable for corporations and “convenient” for short-sighted masses. Vintage items are accessible to anyone, and nothing is more sustainable.

So, here’s the way to overcome the coherence gap: let actions follow thoughts. In the same direction, of course!

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Prada/Simons: What Went Wrong?

FW 22-23 men’s fashion show: consistency was nowhere to be found

Consistency is a fundamental value in designing a product. And also in contributing to keeping it alive over time, shaping a recognisable aesthetic. Which evolves, but its DNA is always perceivable.

Some brands become a one-hit-wonder, a flash in the pan. But it takes hard work to remain on the market (and a lot of money too).

For this purpose, as a strategy, brands follow what’s popular, doing what other designers already did. In this way, they hope to sell more and thrive. But, doing so, they lose their core image, their identity. They lose their face. Therefore, the message sent will lack that fundamental value – consistency.

We saw the Prada Fall-Winter 22/23 men’s fashion show. And we were very, very surprised. Though not in a good way.
The silhouette recalled Balenciaga so much that the point of the direction wasn’t clear. Also, underlining – “we do luxury, they do Slavic thrift shop” sounds like an excuse.

What went wrong?

There’s no evolution in terms of style. The runway was just a reproduction of things already seen. And not that we don’t appreciate oversize clothing. On the contrary, baggy was part of our selection long before it became popular. We just gave up trying to understand Balenciaga’s nonsensical extremisation. But we cannot see why the lady who has launched the ‘aesthetics of the ugly’ – now carried over by everyone, undoubtedly not with the same refinement – could ever take the decision to follow the mainstream. That is a true surprise – the biggest news! Rather than setting a trend, Prada is following the trend.

Where’s the Pradaness?

If the presence of Raf Simons was supposed to bring fresh air in co-designing the brand, it was better when she was doing by-herself-herself-alone-her-own-brand.

With hindsight, Mrs Prada searching for support in co-designing sounds like ‘Hey, I cannot cope with the new trends.’
Yet, did she have to cope with the new trends? No. She simply had to be herself. Be consistent by giving her own vision of ‘the new.’

But this is the love for fashion that speaks. What really counts are numbers. So, let’s finance rule the game, and say goodbye to consistency.

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First post of the year

First post of the new year.
The eighth month in this online adventure.

Tiny breadcrumbs scattered around.
Subtle traces meant for those with a discerning eye. Diverse explorations crafted for people like us, people who care.

If words resonate with you, you’ll feel comfortable with us.
Indeed, no obsessive marketing will draw you in. An intentional and conscious choice is your response. It’s a matter of evolution because you’re on the same page.

Due to an unforeseen event, we have shifted to the online world. It’s a resilient response to a life-changing occurrence.
However, the easiest solution would have been a quick fix. No concepts to explore, no food for thought. Just mass-market clothing, from top brands to fast fashion. Easy to sell and make money. The status quo never dies.

Perhaps we are crazy for undertaking the opposing direction. We believe fashion is not about being frivolous but a way to inspire and make a change. So, the idea is to provoke a cultural shift. Change for the better is our commitment. It’s an engaging journey that takes time, a long-haul path. But too much effort goes unnoticed by the majority.

And that’s why you are not part of that majority. Indeed, you’ve read this far. So, you don’t stop at titles but seek deeper understanding till the very end.

Values and consistency drive your lifestyle choices. As a result, you don’t buy just anything. No overconsumption. You are selective.

If style and values don’t align, our connection is unlikely to last. And that’s perfectly fine. What we do isn’t for everyone. We don’t need a large audience.

We need the right people along with us.
And for you, we’ll continue to search for unique pieces, worthwhile designers. And we’ll bring our vision of fashion, lifestyle and societyto life by celebrating the value of rarity.

2022! Agents of change, this is for you #formodernhumans
We are proud to serve you again this year!

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