
Waste, and why we waste

“Waste isn’t waste until we waste it”

Will I Am

This quote perfectly resonates with us, not only because of the deeper level of consciousness recent events have brought. We have always paid attention to reducing waste as much as possible.
Writing on the backside of printed sheets, not using plastic coffee cups, refilling our water bottles, limiting the quantity of paper used for packaging. These are only some of our actions to reduce the litter we produce. Perhaps now we take this matter even more seriously since the damage we have caused to the environment is visible.

The waste culture

But, digging deeper, where does our wastefulness come from? When did we start wasting so much?

Waste is the ignorant byproduct of an over-consumerist society.

From the 1950s, little by little, overconsumption has been promoted as a great lifestyle pattern and taken over our lives. Completely ignoring the consequences.
Consume like there’s no tomorrow, is the motto. And, if we go on like this, there will be no tomorrow!

The fact that masses can be easily manipulated is quite scary. The fact that given a sense of comfort, we avoid thinking, is not a good sign.

By the way, walking through our journey, we acknowledge our mistakes. Our eyes are open, so we want to change for the better.

Whether fashion waste or any other kind, consciousness reflects itself on many levels and layers.
First of all, please stop wasting food! Then, whenever you are tired of something, consider other options before tossing it.

Even in the case of fashion, please don’t throw away clothes you don’t want anymore.

There are ways to reduce fashion waste:

. choose quality, it lasts longer.
. wash in lower temperatures, so clothes will not get damaged.
. repair when possible.
. donate to charity.
. some shops collect items to recycle.
. resell if you want, there are many resell platforms.

We have options available, so how much waste is up to us.

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The benefit of being different

What if we consider being different more valuable than being better than the others?
Let’s focus our attention on worth rather than on popularity. The actions we take, the choices we make, the interactions we exchange. Also, the things we buy. In all this, value is the key.

“Is it worthy?” – This is the question we need to ask.

Conforming to the standards is not what we want. Fashion, beauty, learning, lifestyle standards and all the ideas of the majority, are not for us. There’s a lot of appearance in that, but there’s no value.

People live as if being part of the majority is the cool way to be. Indeed, they talk like the others, dress like the others, eat what’s popular. Perhaps they don’t have to think that much, and it gives them a sense of belonging and protection.

But, the sense of belonging can be satisfied in smaller communities. Like-minded people can connect to share their vision of the world.

Consider being different offers its own sense of beauty. A rare object, just like a rare person is valuable because it’s scarce, uncommon. And it doesn’t need to be like the other ones. Standardization is not what we are looking for. Little treasures, that’s what we want.

As our beloved Virginia Woolf has pointed out:

“Large groups of people are never responsible for what they do.”

Taking a different path is not easy, it takes courage. But, choosing to be your own unique person and hold yourself accountable is a powerful act.

Responsible fashion means holding ourselves accountable for what happens in the short and long run. It is a conscious choice, serving our eventually awakened collective soul.

The touching point is that being better is a matter of ego, being different is a matter of the heart.

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Conscious buying: a sustainable choice

Conscious buying is how we refuse to go back to normal, our sustainable choice.

Among crowds of people eager to go back to normal, some individuals are quite perplexed by what this means. Whatever that normal was for you, consider linking it with all the troubles we went through this past year.

For those who have connected the dots, the picture is clear. Going back to that normal is not a possibility. In fact, we are showing up every day with the intent of reaching a higher level of consciousness and helping others to do so.

The intention is not to stop purchasing items. Perhaps we could go for one year without buying new clothes. But, even if it makes sense, the side effect would be tragic. Consider all the people that work in manufacturing to bring food to their tables.
Of course, we need to find the balance.

Promoting conscious buying is a byproduct of our evolved attitude. “Shop now!” is far away from our new vision. And, there is an urgency to think rather than to buy. As modern humans, we realise that even our shopping patterns need to change. And from the moment you connect the dots, you naturally make a different choice.

Conscious buying in fashion

In fashion, what are the bullet points for conscious buying?
The premise is that consciousness relates to being aware of both the environment as well as one’s self. “Well-being” includes having respect for the planet and ourselves as individuals. It is about feeling better and being the best humans we can be.

These are the actions we can take when we buy clothes:

• choose a good design, it stands out forever.
• look for quality fabrics, they are made to last.
• invest in well-made items.
• choose fit over size, a size number will not define you.
• support honest productions that take social responsibilities.
• the packaging must be minimal.
• less marketing, more critical thinking and thoughtful consumption.

Some of those concepts you can apply as general shopping rules, not only for fashion items. However, having a critical approach is fundamental. For instance, do we need tons of paper for packaging? No!

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others”

we like this quote from Jonathan Swift.

Indeed, we see that going back to normal is dangerous. Also, we can look around perplexed but, in the end, we know that we are not alone.

Small communities can make change possible!

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Less stuff, more meaning

Passing through the storm of the pandemic, we had the feeling that many brands had lost their grip, their meaning while a few others have been able to keep consistent work, somehow surviving the impact. Not because their message is new, but because, perhaps 30 years ago, they dared to propose a different viewpoint. By the way, that is the power of innovation, not everyone gets the message immediately. It takes a while, even decades.

So many garments now seem to be part of an old world and aren’t appropriate anymore. Some others carried on their codes, values, as they are still modern, versatile and never out-of-place.
In order to adapt to a new environment and to find a meaningful way to pursue our passion for design and fashion, we have to pay attention to select the right pieces.

The new aesthetic develops around deeper concepts: timeless and comfortable silhouettes, soft textures, materials you love to feel on your skin. Fewer pieces, higher quality is what identifies a modern wardrobe.

Less stuff, more meaning is the evolved ethos #formodernhumans

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The wake-up call

Lifestyle is constantly evolving.
It’s not about hectic fashion anymore, that time is over.
We learned the lesson, so we are evolving towards a new era based on consciousness. The pandemic is our wake-up call. Pollution, climate change, social issues, racism, our behaviour of the past led us here. Now, we must think about what kind of world we want.

Fashion as a reflection of who we are must be involved in the lifestyle evolution process. It’s about understanding the core values, so, as a consequence, we search for a design that fits our new vision.
Creativity takes time to express itself, manufacturing quality items takes time. Trust takes time too.
No need to hurry, not anymore. Slow is ok. Indeed, the process of consciousness takes time.

So, after the wake-up call, change for the better is what we are doing.
But don’t underestimate small changes. Even modest changes in our lifestyle can have a significant impact.

2021 is our blank page. Reset and restart with us.

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