
The Real Slow Living

Where can we experience it?

The concept of slow living has become quite popular lately. There’s an inspiring book on the subject: In praise of slow, by Carl Honoré. Though pushed aside from contemporary society, there was a time when it was part of Italian culture.

Indeed, our holiday in Basilicata (Southern Italy) reminded us of the values connected to slowness. Moving at a slower pace. Connected to nature and in sync with its timing. Savouring a quiet environment. Having a mindful approach to life, nature and things we need. We enjoyed it and found it beneficial for the mind and the soul.

Slow living in Basilicata

Do you really want to understand slow living? Then, go to Basilicata, and you will find out how it is integrated into their daily lives. People do not hurry. Running errands is not hectic. For instance, they wait for their turn at the baker. Even if there is a queue, nobody complains. No honking if someone stops the car in the middle of the road to ask for information. And if anyone honks, it is just to say hello! Because there, they salute everyone. Also, they sit ‘al fresco’ to enjoy some fresh air late afternoon or evening.

With production plants based in northern areas, people had to move to those places to find a job, leaving the south to abandonment. And it’s been easy in big towns to get sucked by what was supposed to be the right thing to do, becoming cogs of a relentless money-driven society that wants us to be productive day and night.

Slow: the South way

However, a comment made us reflect. During our holiday we met a woman coming from Northern Britain. We asked why she had chosen Marina di Pisticci for her holiday and if she had relatives there or what. And she said: “I was looking for a place that had no influence from the northern side. So we came here, to find the real Italy. It’s a quiet place and we fell in love with it.”

So, the more you go south, the more you can experience slow living. No influence from the north is the case for Basilicata. Indeed, the region tends to be disconnected from the rest of Italy. Viability from town to town is not well developed. A sense of isolation prevails, which makes it fascinating.

Slow living & big towns

Indeed, this woman truly offered a good insight. Northern areas are not the place for a slow lifestyle. Whatever your vision is, Milano, Paris, or London aren’t the place for slowness. So, for people like us living in big towns, it’s about reconsidering our values, priorities and lifestyle.

To make changes in your life, start getting rid of the sense of urgency typical of big towns. Remind yourself there is nothing to chase after. Take deep breaths, appreciate slowness and savour every moment.

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Summer Break in Basilicata

Far away from mass tourism, out of the beaten paths

Among the many unforeseen events that life tends to offer in large amounts, it was finally time for our summer break. And so we started looking for something that could work for our family holiday: a beautiful sea, nature, accessibility and, as much as possible, not a crowded place.

We wanted to go to Basilicata, Southern Italy (our family comes from there). So, we started evaluating hotels and accommodations along the route and in that area.

Sustainable tourism: the biggest lie

After some research, we realised that almost every hotel, residence or resort is sustainable or “cares very much” about the environment. As well as in the fashion field, sustainable marketing is here to make people believe in the biggest lie of our times: sustainability. The contemporary lifestyle isn’t sustainable at all. In fact, no one renounces flights, disposable products or mass consumption. So no green marketing will make it better unless we change how we live.

We can’t say sustainable tourism came as a surprise, but we said, ok, let’s see what they mean precisely with these fabulous green magic words. What do these hotels offer? For instance, we saw imposing luxury buildings that suffocate the environment to the point of modifying and devastating coastal areas. Or hotels proudly promote 1.200 to 6.000 square feet of swimming pools.

So we wondered, can people believe that such waste of water has something to do with sustainability? If so, we deserve extinction.

Summer break - Basilicata
Summer break – Basilicata

Low-impact tourism: Summer break out of the beaten paths

Since there’s no such thing as sustainable tourism because humans aren’t sustainable, not even at home, we searched for a low-impact solution. It seemed more achievable.

Therefore we opted for something totally different for our summer break. No big hotels, no flights, far away from mass tourism. Indeed, we found a house in the countryside, near Marina di Pisticci. It’s immersed in nature, peaceful and quiet, essential but spacious, 20 minutes away from the sea. There, a thick pine forest creates a green frame, a necessary passage to reach the beach. Though the Basilicata region has grown from a touristic viewpoint, it is still wild and not too crowded.

Back to our roots, back to basics. There is nothing to chase after. The whole place and its slow lifestyle remind us that true luxury is the nature that surrounds us.

In the end, isn’t it real sustainability?

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The Modern Migration

From big cities to small villages

Modern migration from big cities to small villages is the key to sustainability and happiness.

Transformed by the pandemic wake-up call, we decided to spend our August holidays back at our roots. A tiny village in the Basilicata region of South Italy, immersed in nature and silence. The only sounds were cows mooing, dogs barking, or the wind.

Travelling in the middle of the night through the woods, we came across a family of porcupines crossing the road, their spines standing on end. What a marvel! We promptly stopped the car to savour the unique show that nature offered us. We let them cross, illuminated by the headlights. It’s a scene forever etched in our memory.

How different life is in small countryside villages! Healthier, for sure. You reclaim the value of time, space. You don’t feel trapped as you do in a city apartment. No matter how big it is, it’s still cement. So you come to realise that in exchange for fewer services, you might just be enjoying real life.

Reading the news, it seems that the migration from big cities to the countryside has already begun, a tangible effect of the pandemic. Indeed, the idea of a slow and sustainable lifestyle fits naturally into this context, accompanied by a different way of dressing–which we will explore further–and decorating our places. Undoubtedly, it is a way of living our life in tune with nature.

It has been proven that economic growth and environmental impact are directly linked. What we used to call climate change is now a climate emergency. Therefore, in order to reduce our impact on nature, we have no choice but to change our lifestyle.

To this end, modern migration to the countryside presents an opportunity. Our needs have changed, big cities are no longer the answer. What we need is more nature.

Therefore, we envision a future where people repopulate small villages, breathing new life into them. Intensive mass growth gives way to smaller communities, all interconnected so as to support one another.

Finally, progress and the web can be used not to dominate or exploit but to genuinely and deeply connect.

With this mindset, we can become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

That’s the lifestyle for modern humans.

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