How Products Change

Changing fashion to change our culture

Products change when consumers’ tastes change. In other words, products evolve as consumers’ tastes shift. However, given that consumption is all about cheap and disposable products, we are in big trouble.

The fashion industry appeared to be moving in a new direction, aiming to preserve the environment and improve people’s lives. But reality revealed even more troubling consumption habits, as in the case of ultra-fast fashion, which we discussed in our previous post.

The combination of overproduction and overconsumption is the economic pattern that dominates the fashion industry—a model mirrored across many other sectors. Therefore, this reveals a deeper cultural issue: the growing preference for disposable products, a habit that has also deeply influenced younger generations. In fact, accessible, cheap products give the illusion of richness.

Mass culture is the commercialisation of culture, where products products are created solely for profit. People are so immersed in this overwhelming abundance of options that it feels nearly impossible to escape. Or at least, that’s how it appears.

But climate change is the issue we need to face, and it’s urgent. And so, how do we change consumers’ tastes?

Change products: fashion and culture

Changing fashion means changing culture. Fashion creates products that reflect our culture, revealing society’s tastes. In this way, fashion tells the story of what we consume. In other words, altering what we consume leads to changes in fashion, and ultimately, in our culture.

The change begins by recognising the new needs and incorporating them into the design of meaningful products for people who care.

As a boutique and industry insiders, we contribute by curating only valuable garments with good design. And by offering a different perspective for people like us, those who do not recognise themselves in the mass trends.

Your choice, if you care, is evolving towards a conscious lifestyle aiming to change for the better. Or leave things the way they are, persisting with the blind exploitation of people and the planet.

In the end, you have two options: either you can play the game, or you can change it!