Redefining The Lexicon

Shaping fashion’s future through new language and innovation

Redefining the lexicon in fashion means embracing a new vocabulary that challenges outdated norms. In fact, redefining the lexicon is essential–how can fashion evolve if the language is always the same?

Pre-collections. Still? For real? Selling campaigns, seasons, gender categories, budgets, and, above all, discounts and sales. Real or fake, who cares. The only intention is to push people to buy whatever product, keeping the business exactly as it was before the pandemic.

Can’t you see how all that is disconnected from the new reality?
All those words lost their meaning because we are in a different place now, an unknown territory, where those concepts do not apply anymore.

We expected something more. We envisioned brave designers or brands coming up with new ideas, guiding us to innovate an outdated system. But other than a lot of greenwashing, nothing has happened. Or worse, everyone’s hoping to go back to normal. Completely forgetting that normal was the problem.

So we take an active stance. We make choices about what is good and what is not for us and our audience. We don’t believe in a supermarket model. By preserving the value of creativity, we want to decide the quantities and quality we need to buy, based on the real needs of our community, not only to grow large companies’ pockets.
We must understand that good design and quality do not have an expiry date. We do not believe anymore in discounts as a drive to boost sales. Sales are just another element of the status quo, a short term illusion of joy.

We believe in conscious buying, so we are educating ourselves and our community to buy less but better.

The language we use plays a crucial role in shaping the fashion’s future. Language is not just a tool for communication but a reflection of values, creativity, and innovation.

By stopping the use of mainstream fashion language, we take a bold step toward change. To redefine the lexicon is the first and most powerful expression of transformation within the fashion system.